Lectors / Program

The preliminary program of SRNS-2024 for review

If you find an error in the program (name, surname, affiliation, title of the report), please inform us by e-mail srns2024@ya.ru.


Oral reports

When preparing your talk, please note that the time for presentation includes 2-3 minutes for 2 or 3 short questions. It is recommended to prepare presentations for oral reports in pdf or Power Point format, if possible, do not use animations and/or video. If a video demonstration is necessary, the recommended file format is mp4.


Posters should be vertically oriented and not exceed 100 cm vertically and 65 cm horizontally (approximately A1 sheet format).




The preliminary topics of the SRNS-2024 meeting:

• Condensed matter physics

• Soft matter and biological systems

• Materials science and solid state chemistry 

• Industrial research with neutrons

• Fundamental physics

• Neutron sources, detectors and experiment techniques


Preliminary scientific program will include following sessions 

1. Workgroup meetings on special topics (polarized neutrons, material science, soft matter and i.e.)

2. CN-RU Cooperation section (talks from joint CN-RU teams presenting successful examples of cooperation or proposals for future cooperation)

3. Regular talks on frontiers of neutron scattering

4. CN-RU neutron facility reports

5. Young scientists section